Monday, July 30, 2012

Baju Raya: one down, a few more to go

My besfriend Echot told me that her sister Affanida Aryan still takes Raya order, but they will only be available for collection a week before/after Raya. A week after Raya? That’s totally ok for me. 
Raya kan sebulan! :P
And so today,my husband took me to Giat Mara bengkel in Kuala Pilah. I was excited!
 Dah selamat hantar 5 pasang kain untuk baju raya kat Affanida Aryan. tak sabar plak nak tunggu hasilnya. thanks kak !
price range for Baju kurung pesak gantung RM30/- @ Affanida Aryan.

# As for the rest of my baju Raya, I guess I’ll just have to find ready-made ones.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Enjoys Cute Day Out With Hubby & Baby

I'm not working today. So I decided to spend the day with my family. And today I went to Mid Valley with Hubby and Lily Marissa as planning. Thanks to Hubby, we went there by car. Too excited for Lily... My husband and I debated for days over whether to bring a stroller and a baby carrier or just the carrier.  I opted for just the carrier. Sebab tak nak semak-semak dalam kepadatan orang ramai. I think I made the right decision.

YEAHHHH, padat — with Lily Marissa and Razmie Razak at Mama & Baby Fair In Mid Valley.  

Just what we was looking for, a brand new baby carrier.  

It was a pleasant day.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

sayang ibu !

As I leave today, we decide to take  my baby at kampung. 
Bila lagi nak ambil LILY MARISSA datang sini kalau bukan time-time cuti macam ni.
 Moreover we have other plan.
 Excited sangat nak bawak marrisa pergi Mama & Baby Fair In Mid Valley. on 28th July 2012.
Hubby lagi la suka marissa ada kat rumah. Hubby kalau boleh nak ambil marissa terus suruh ibu die berhenti kerja jage baby.  (cannot la sayang, I tak boleh berhenti kerja )

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

back in the office? medical leave?

I'm officially on medical leave until 31/07/2012, 
But today I'm back in the office and back to reality (sob, sob) 
Yesterday, I'm feeling so bored and lonely bila hubby pergi work and I terpaksa duduk rumah. 
This is the worst time,  I have nothing to do at the end of the day. Without astro, internet. ERMMMMM....
Then, I just asked to my hubby untuk pergi kerja the next day. 
At first he did not give permission sebab I still on medical leave. 
But, setelah dipujuk dengan many reason, he said okayyyy !!!
Today my husband sent me to the office as usual. 
Naik je office I bagi MC to Kak Sheila and she told me that better I still on holiday sebab ada medical leave from hospital, dia tak nak lah anything happens kalau I pergi kerja. 
So, I balik rumah at the afternoon. 

*sorry degil cakap hubby ;(

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Selamat Puasa Ramadhan 1433 H

Selamat menyambut bulan Puasa Ramadhan 1433 H. 
Alhamdulillah tahun lepas dapat sambut Ramadan dengan husband, tapi tahun ni tak rasa excited nak sambut Ramadan sebab aku kena berpantang affect dari miscarriage last Thursday.
 Ermmmm... pity me.
But, as a sucsess wife to MOHAMMAD RAZMI, aku kena jugak bagi semangat kat hubby untuk menunaikan ibadah puasa
ALHAMDULILLAH,..hubby pergi terawikh start malam tadi. 
So, Ibu and lily marissa boleh balik rumah mak while waiting hubby balik terwaikh. ;)
 untung kahwin orang dekat, kejap-kejap boleh jumpe family kita jugak.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Discharge from the hospital

Well, last night, i finally got my second lucid dream. HAHA
7:00pm I started with heavy cramps that become contractions every 5 minutes. 
started bleeding heavily with cramps.
 I spent another hour having strong and painful contractions.
My miscarriage felt like a really bad period, but the disappointment is what really hurt.
 The contractions started at about 7:00 pm and lasted until about 11:45 pm. 
It was very scary and very painful. 
I called the doctor and they told me that my cervix was opening and getting ready to expel.
 Afterward, i felt very weak and exhausted! 
7:00am after scanning, the doctor said that D&C is not to be carried out as planned.
~dah boleh discharge this tengahari.
Total bill = RM21/-
 Got maternity leave after miscarriage 18/07/2012 - 31/07/2012

My Beloved friend, ( Manje Munira and Hanna Haidir. )
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit me in hospital during my illness. ;( 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

admitted to hospital

I was admitted to Hospital Ampang during my early pregnancy.
Sbb bleeding at 12 weeks pregnancyaffect dari previous scar and hypotension @ darah rendah.
Check in about 2 days. 
If nothing happen I dah boleh discharge after operation the next day.
 Suppose i was admit in Class 2 but for bed aku kene duduk class 3 sbb emergency cases.
Somemore my very first experience admit at goverment hospital..
delivered my 1st baby pon kat private hospital.
Ohhh!!! tak sanggup lagi nak kene admit... 
Bab environment mmg okay.. memang peaceful & comfort. 
Nurse pun okay baik & friendly. specialist and doctor pun baik..overall mmg okay. makanan pun okay. security pun okay. 
Nak admit just kena bayar about RM15/- for deposit. 
~Thanks hubby sent me to the hospital. I want to thank you for being there.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

last working day before admit

Today is my last working day.
Fill up the leave form and submitted to my boss

Dear Boss,
I am not able to come to office the next day,so pls grant me a leave for 3 days. ;)

For the next few hours I wondered about ward.
 I'll be report back next week..
 at Syarikat SRS Bumimotors Glenmarie.

kat rumah plak merengek kat hubby tak nak masuk ward. 
macam-macam tanya kat hubby

*sayang, kat hospital nanti ada tak senior datang buli orang ?? HAHA
*sayang, malam-malam nak tidur ada hantu tak macam FILEM KHURAFAT ???

Monday, July 16, 2012

12 weeks pregnant and bleeding

I am 12 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child & have been bleeding 
I got off work and I noticed a tiny amount of blood in my panties 
i'm really nervous because this is my secound time being pregnant and i'm afraid .
yesterday I was co crampy. Sometimes it is dull and sometimes its very uncomfortable.
went straight to my husband and asked him to take me to the hospital
Couldn't find the heartbeat on the scan

LMP  : 18/04/2012
POA : 12 weeks
No scan done
No booking done
** I and husband did not practive any method of contraception properly since last child birth in Nov 2011
Minimal bleeding from os
Os close
Bimanual examination by Dr. Rathi
- Uterus size 12 weeks 
Ultrasound examination : IUGS seen
-empty with no fetal pole
GS : 56.3mm
Problems : 1 previous scar in Nov 2011
Postural hypotension
** Option given by doctor with risk explained :
1. Conservative management
> Spontaneous miscarriage
> Risk of incomplete miscarriage and bleeding
2. Surgical
> Risk of Uterus perforation, Cervical laceration and bleeding

** I choose ERPOC

Date of ERPOC booked on 19/07/2012
Admission on 18/07/2012 before 10am
at Hospital Ampang.