Friday, December 23, 2011

Lily Marissa ♥ WARDED!

“LILY MARISSA in the hospital with protein allergic"
my baby girl has a bout of dysentery. 
The doctor suggested no milk or formula or dairy products for 24 hrs.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Back to Kampung and berpantang

Ok i'm back...
 FYI, I akan berpantang di kampung hubby at Kg Parit Seberang, Kuala Pilah
 InsyaAllah for 44 days la kot. But must complete 44 days..
Sedih nye kena berpisah dengan hubby until maternity leave habis.
For sure, hubby promised that every weeks He will return to kampung to visit...
 I and baby LILY MARISSA.

Well I am throwing a surprise.
 I would have to say my most memorable birthday cake came from my Mother in Law.
Extra special so she threw me my first surprise party with hubby's family.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

my hubby's birthday

My memories this Tuesday are centering around my dear hubby who is having a birthday today. 
I'm lucky enough to have known my sweet husband since we were both 13 years old. 
We were friends for many years before we ever dated. 
We did date for a short time in high school and then we were forced to break up.
 This was meant to keep the peace, but in our case it made things rather difficult at the time.
 It's all quite a long story but the good news is that eventually it worked out! ;) 

I am so lucky to have a husband like you. Every year with you is better than the last. Wish you a very Happy Birthdaymy dear husband.

# hubby you just muda dari I 3 days je tau, jangan nak perasan muda sangatssss. 
don't call me KAKAK anymore ! AHHA

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's my birthdayyyy !!!

Today is my 23rd birthday !!!

This birthday is special to me.
And this is the first birthday my parents aren't with me. 
And you know what?
 I'm taking a moment today to appreciate how lucky I am and how hard I've worked to be where I am today. 
I'm not lying when I say how happy I am. Literally. I have never been happier :)
I love you guys, and thanks so much for the birthday wishes! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

baby dah ada nama ;)

Finally dapat buat pilihan untuk nama baby.
pening jugak nak pilih nama yang terbaik untuk baby..
Ada 2 pilihan nama yang aku and hubby bagi.
hubby suggest MIMI ZULAIKHA
and I suggest LILY MARISSA
both nama pon cantik, that's why kami susah sangat buat desicion. 
 today is the day nak pergi JPN. 
At last, we decided the name LILY MARISSA

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Day 10 berpantang, masih lagi di KL sbb nak prepare and sattle pasal baby..
Sabrina went back to kampung lastnight.
My hubby as well plan to go back to kampung and bring her cousin to KL,
 ANGAH NONIE which is ALONG NANA younger sister
Then, angah nonie take over jaga aku berpantang di KL. 
baby okayy and tak banyak ragam. 

Bila malam je dia merengek lapar mintak susu. 
Selalunya hubby yang akan bangun buat susu sebab aku tak boleh nak bangun banyak-banyak kali. 
Hubby tak bagi aku berkuat dekat perut. luka kat perut pon masih sakit.

Tapi harini sangat menakutkan aku sebab tengok klip dekat pusat baby macam dah nak tercabut. 
Bila baby nangis klip tu akan naik then nampak macam berlubang.
Risau sangat sampai ajak hubby bawak pergi Hospital Ampang

Takda experience memang la tak tahu apa, rupanya tanda tali pusat baby dah nak tercabut.

# lega lepas jumpa doctor, tapi still meleleh bila baby nanges. tengok macam sakit je.

# THANKS a lots kat ANGAH NONIE jugaks sebab jaga time hubby pergi kerja and masak lauk berpantang. okayyyy what lauk berpantang. sapa kata tak sedap.