"Labbai Kallah Humma Labbaik, Labbaikala Syarikalaka Labbaik, Innal Hamda Wanni'mata Laka wal Mulk La Syarikalak"...
6hb November 2011 bersamaan 10 Zulhijjah 1432 Hijrah, kita menyambut Hari Raya Korban atau Aidil Adha. Saya mengambil kesempatan ini memohon ampon dan maaf, pada mereka yang mengerjakan haji, moga anda mendapat haji mabrur, aminn. Pada yang pulang ke kampung atau kemana2 sahaja, berhati2 di jalan raya....Salam Aidil Adha
This year's, Aidil Adha celebration is different from the other celebrations before this because, I'll be celebrating the morning of Hari Raya lonely at home...
My hubby going back to his kampung this morning. I paham dia nak raya dengan family and he promised that yang dia nak balik malam ni jugak.
He went back alone this time.
So, go ahead sayang ! ;)
I could not travel that far for fear that I might deliver my child on the way..
So as precaution I decided to stay here in KL.
This Hari Raya I might..u see MIGHT not in the Hari Raya mood yet becauseI have to work on the Monday plus I won't be seeing my parents. ;(
Deep inside I feel sad but I'll try not to show it and plus I'm also happy at the same time..
u see it's all confusing..
Yeahh I know but that's how I feel right now..
The thing is you can't have everything you want rite..
You just have to be positive and be thankful with what you have right now..
One thing for a fact is that I'm better off than others because i have my loving husband. ;)
Yesterday dah request early kat hubby suruh beli all the material nak prepare nasi impit and kuah kacang.
Teringin sangat nak makan sebab last Aidil Fitri tak dapat merasa my mom's cooking.
Seumur hidup ni la kali pertama buat kuah kacang.
Selama ni reti makan je, tak pernah ambil tahu pun camane nak membuatnya. Hehe.
Ni pun entah angin lintang mana yg datang, tiba-tiba je semangat nak buat sendiri.
ni kalo anak mak mertua tengok mungkin lehhh trime, tapi kalo mak mertua yang tengok kuali comot comot camni. ACANERRRRR?
konfiden level mesti tinggi. suka hati gua la.
# I also can't wait to eat ketupat, lemang and rendang. HUBBY cepat lahh balik ! ;)